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Meaningful returns on investment...

Your greatest asset is your team, invest wisely.

Our Impact

We have worked with hundreds of teams and 1,000s of staff - and published books in team communication and primary care leadership.


The impact of our work on team wellbeing and leadership has been formally evaluated.  Samples are summarised below.


100% of our clients, recommend us to their peers (reported).

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Case Study 1:
Leadership Development for  
GPs / Practice Managers / Innovation Leads

2019 : 12 x Primary Care Practices

Reported outcomes (in NHS reports) includes:


  • Innovation acceleration 

  • Increased staff confidence.

  • Improved work-life balance.

  • Improved leadership approach & confidence.

  • Improved wellbeing & reduced stress.

  • Reduced intent to leave role.

  • Improved change management skills.

  • Improved remote working relationships

  • Better meeting structures.

  • Sustained gains.


100% of NHS staff who attended, stated that they would recommend this to their peers (you).

Smiling Portrait

Case Study 2:
Wellbeing Programme for  
GPs / Practice Managers / Innovation Leads

2020 : Devon Wide Practice Manager Support Groups

Commissioned by Devon CCG 

Leadership and wellbeing groups for leaders during COVID (online).


Reported outcomes include:


  • learned how to develop and use reflection time

  • gains from peer working

  • able to ring fence protected thinking time

  • benefits from access to a Psychologist

  • improved wellbeing

  • Valued the supportive nature of the sessions


100% of NHS staff who attended, stated that they would recommend this to their peers (you).

Case Study 3:
Team Coaching Platform
Team Spark

Team Spark - built out of years of in person research, remote trials and team evaluations.

Measured and reported outcomes are shown below:

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Team Spark reported benefits

Team Benefits

Team members in Team Spark Programmes tell us that their teams as a whole benefit from improved...


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Individual Benefits

Team members in Team Spark Programmes tell us that they personally benefit from improved:

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Case Study 4:
Development and delivery of staff wellbeing coaching at a national scale.

During COVID we also founded and now lead, a FREE wellbeing coaching service for NHS staff nationally.


We currently provide direct 1 to 1 coaching to 1,000s of NHS staff, yearly.  


Our evidence shows reduced stress, reduced intention to leave roles and satisfaction with our service.

Why we receive 100% satisfaction feedback...

Avatar 105

it’s worked for my practice because it's reinforced why I want to be here...that actually this is what I do and it’s ok it’s just tough at the moment 

Practice manager

Avatar 83

I enjoyed the meetings. It makes you think about your wellbeing and break bad habits.

Operations lead

Avatar 87

I found it really supportive. The exercises were valuable and it gave me needed developmental time



Reception & Admin team manager 


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© 2021, UXclinician Limited (aimyourteam & aim-you, trading names)

Company No. 11739483

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