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Resilience recharge
Primary Care Leaders

Stress and Burnout

Prevention is better than cure.

Time to think
Strategically & holistically


Resilience Recharge Online

Our programmes are designed to help you be sustainable in your work, to re-balance work and life, and safeguard your wellbeing.


A proactive and light touch addition to your month, designed to avoid burnout, work/life and sustainability issues.  

2022 Registration open

A flexible approach to recharge and revitalise you that creates headspace and fits into your working day


A proven monthly lifeline for Primary Care managers.


Solve your practice pain points whilst turning up for yourself and feeling the benefit in your own work and life. 


A peer group 


£45 per month

6 months support


Learn to lead your practice whilst establishing a sustainable working practice.


Proven experiential programmes that level up your leadership alongside challenging you to become sustainable and effective.


A peer group 


£45 per month

6 months support


Evidenced Methods

Proven Impact

100% Satisfaction

Practice manager programme


Developed out of award winning research

with NHS Primary Care Teams

Offering you a "much-needed" space to develop key skills whilst also attending to your own sustainability issues - on a personal level.

Developed with practice managers and evidenced as effective.

See our evidence of real world impact here.

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- Feeling valued in your role

- Staff Retention

- Change management

- Motivating staff

- Engagement

- Leading inspiration

- Equality and diversity

- Communication skills

- Imposter syndrome



- 1 x 90 minutes per month workshop

- 6 month programme

- Capped at 12 managers

- Facilitated by Psychologists

- Remote programme via MS Teams

- Free workbook (PDF)

- Free 'Leading Primary Care' Book.

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What's in the Clinicians programme?

Developed out of award winning research with

NHS Primary Care Teams

Addressing leadership alongside clinical roles with an ear to sustainability.  Peer support, reflective learning and active work on sustainability.

As all clinicians know, prevention is better than cure - especially when it comes to burnout.


See our evidence of real world impact here.


- personal resilience

- board leadership and navigation

- effective working with practice managers

- feeling valued as a clinician

- leading an innovative business

- vertical development

- leadership skills

- stress management

- work life balance


- 1 x 90 minutes per month workshop

- 6 month programme

- Capped at 12 clinicians

- Facilitated by Psychologists

- Remote programme via MS Teams

- Free workbook (PDF)

- Free 'Leading Primary Care' Book.

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clinicians programme

What your peers say...

it’s worked for my practice because it's reinforced why I want to be here...that actually this is what I do and it’s ok it’s just tough at the moment 

Practice Manager

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Kindle or Paperback available

(your choice)

Bonus- A FREE copy of our book

Written from our experiences working with Primary Care teams 'Leading Primary Care' is an easily to digest, fast and effective resource for you and your practice. Full of PROVEN ideas that can help you make small but impactful changes, empowering you to meet the challenges you face.

The ideas we offer here will help you develop your leadership and your team.

FREE for subscription holders.



Subscribe to our 2022 6 months Programme



  • 6 month programme

  • 90 mins coached group session / month

  • A lifeline for practice managers

  • Proven personal benefits

  • Proven team impac

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Please register interest below, we will make contact when a new group number is reached

Only 12 places in each group

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.

If our programmes have sold out, please register interest with us and we will contact you as new slots open up.

This is expected to be quite often :)

practiceman enrol


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Subscribe to our 6-month 2022 Programme



  • 6 month programme

  • A lifeline for practice managers

  • Proven personal benefits

  • Proven team impact

  • Wed / Thurs / Fri options

Please register interest below, we will make contact when a new group number is reached

clinician enrol
Register Interst
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